Sign ups are now opened for Spring sports! Please follow the link below to sign your student up Spring athletics:

Register now for the Puddle Jumper 5k on April 12th. The first 50 registrants get a free shirt!

Team up with LMMHS basketball in the fight against cancer! Tuesday, January 28 the boys play host Hopkins at 5:30pm and 7:00pm and on Thursday, January 30 the girls host Greenfield at 6:00pm.

The Lenox Drama Club invites you to watch our performances of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream!
Friday Nov. 15th and Saturday Nov. 16th at 7:00pm in the Duffin Theater
Friday Nov. 22 at 8:30pm in the Tina Packer Playhouse at Shakespeare and Company

Tomorrow, on Tuesday, all 10th and 11th grade students will be taking the PSAT in the gymnasium. Students should go to their first period class for attendance and then report to the gym when called down. They should bring their Chromebook, a calculator and a snack. No personal laptops can be used on this test.

This morning at 8:30 LMMHS conducted a lockdown drill. All went as planned and students returned to regular instruction at 8:45. The drill was coordinated by the Lenox Police Department and supported by officers from Lenox Fire, Stockbridge and Lee.

Recall that Housatonic Street will be closed Monday and Tuesday due to paving. Traffic coming from the north should plan to approach the school via Walker, then East Street. Please give yourselves a few extra minutes this morning and remind student drivers of the detour.

Tomorrow if the first day of school at LMMHS. It will be a full day of school. Bus routes are available on the district website. We're looking forward to a great year and hope to see all of you at school tomorrow morning!

LMMHS went into shelter-in-place for approximately 10 minutes close to 10AM this morning. A staff member was experiencing some medical difficulty. An ambulance was called and the school went into shelter-in-place while the staff member was taken from the building to the ambulance. The school returned to its normal schedule at approximately 10:10. Please contact Dr. Ames with any questions or concerns.

There will be no Chromebooks available as loaners during final exams. If HS students need a Chromebook to take their final, they should be sure to bring their school assigned Chromebook with them to the examination room.
Dr. Ames

A reminder about tonight’s mandatory pre-prom meeting in the Duffin Theater at 6:15. This meeting must be attended by all students going to prom as well as at least one parent/guardian. We hope to see many of then. - Dr. Ames

Quarter 3 report cards are being distributed to students at the end of the school day. If a student is not in school today or somehow unable to receive their report card, it will be mailed later today.

There will be a mandatory meeting for spring athletes and guardians this evening in the Duffin Theater at 6PM. We ask that at least one guardian per athlete attend. We will be collecting user fees at this meeting. $50 per athlete. Checks should be made out to "LMMHS".

Clarification - The International Fair is Wednesday night at LMMHS. Hope to see you there!

This message is intended only for families with a student on the DC trip. Students will be arriving home earlier than originally planned. Buses will be arriving at LMMHS between 4:30-5PM on Saturday. Please be in contact with your student via text in the earlier afternoon to verify their ETA.

This afternoon, shortly after 12PM, we called for a "Hold in Place" at LMMHS so that first responders could help a student out of the building. While that single student needed immediate assistance, there was no threat to anyone else in the building at any time. We're grateful to our staff and local first responders.

All afternoon and evening activities at LMMHS are cancelled today, Tuesday 1/16.

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At some point in the morning tomorrow, we will be conducting a building evacuation drill at LMMHS. Instead of gathering in front and behind the school, however, as we normally do, students will be walking several hundred feet to two different rallying points behind the building. We’ll then turn around and walk back to the school. This drill is designed to familiarize students with the pathways to where buses would pick them up in a true emergency. Students with mobility issues will remain in the building with a staff member. This drill will likely last 10-15 minutes and students will be outside for most of that time. Please remind your student of this drill tomorrow morning and encourage them to wear sensible footwear, clothing that covers their arms and legs, and possibly a sweatshirt or light jacket.