Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Building Project

Public Information Sessions

Public information sessions will be moved to the Fall since the School Building Committee will be asking for money at the Fall Town meeting.

CANCELLED Monday, April 28 6:00 p.m.

The School Building Committee will be hosting information sessions which will include a brief tour of LMMHS, a presentation, and an opportunity to ask questions about the project and process, finances and timeline.

Slider is playing

This presentation is about the need for and benefits of building an addition to LMMHS.

Caolo & Bieniek rendering of possible addition to LMMHS

CBA rendering

Why build


Walk to School

Unified basketball


Why Science?




What we will have when we're done/ How this will effect teaching and learning


Financial Options

Working with MSBA

  • Longer time line (5-7 years) - could be beneficial to spread out Town expenses

  • Initial reimbursement rate of 44.89% for items covered by MSBA

  • Escalating building costs (estimated 5.75% per year)

  • Rerouting of buses likely not covered by reimbursements

  • Scope of project could change during feasibility/OPM process

  • Reroofing the existing building could be woven in as part of the renovations (MSBA requires roofs to be at least 30 years old - current roof put on in 1997)

  • Because of the initially favorable reimbursement rate, the concept of building without MSBA assistance appears to not be an attractive option


Best Middle School

LMMHS Middle School in top 7% in Massachusetts

LMMHS (92%) 1 of only 6 districts in Massachusetts with 90% of 10th graders meeting or exceeding expectations on ELA MCAS

#9 District (out of 233) in Massachusetts with the Best Teachers - niche.com



3-d printer


Rendering of possible stand-alone Science/classroom project -

Caolo & Bieniek, Architects

What will be seeking at Town Meeting? Request will now be at the November/December meeting.

We expect to ask the Town to authorize spending of perhaps $600,000-1,200,000 to cover the costs of an Owner's Project Manager as well as an MSBA Feasibility Study. This number will be refined over the next several months. The vote to authorize funds is a requirement of the MSBA in the Eligibility Period. The amount is up to the voters. We believe this would be reimbursable at the 44.89% rate.

Morris Tiger

Project Timeline

Timeline 1

Timeline 2

Projected Timeline

Build independently

Build with MSBA
